Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Education in Florida

Education is a major component in everyone’s life. Whether you’re young or old, it will always be there for you. Today, I will like to focus on an issue with the Education in Florida. I believe classes have more than the students a teacher can get the attention of. Not only that, they have limited resources to work hands on the material learned. The students have also lost many clubs and programs at their schools. This is because of budget cuts, which shouldn’t happen because this money is beneficiary to the students learning.

Monday, November 8, 2010

My weekend=]

My weekend was awesome. I went to homestead, to watch the airplane show. I was amazing all the acrobats the pilots do. Talk about being brave. Overall, I had a blast and enjoyed my time well spent with my family.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Today was My students Birthday!

The theme was tinkerbell. Super adorable; all the girls has tiaras and the boys got shrek ears. They brought a pinata and the kids were fighting for the candy. Eventually I had to clean the mess. Luckily the parents of the girl helped out and it was a piece a cake. I love kids birthday parties; they bring out the child in me. I guess that is why I want to be an Elementary Teacher.

Successfully losing weight!

Hey you guys I have began a losing weight program and I am happy to say that I have lost six pounds already. I so happy I have the will power to not eat junk food and actually stay with the program for more than a week. With rapid results like this I'll be at my ideal weight in no time. Just wanted to share that with my peers=]

My weekend=]

Hey you guys! Let me tell you about my weekend. It was awesome I went bowling with my friends and then played soccer at like 2 in the morning in the middle of the street. Kind of crazy but I enjoyed every moment of it. Except I lost. =[ Overall, this was just another great weekend.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My weekend=]

My weekend was awesome. I had not gone out in a while because of school and work. I needed this time to myself. I went to the movies, watched a fight and went to a party and my church. We were celebrating the different cultures and tasted food from all over the world. There was singing and inspirational speeches. I couldn't ask for a better weekend.

Paranormal Activity 2

Hey you guys! This weekend I went to see paranormal activity 2. It was awesome, why better than the first movie. There were some intense moments where I was freaking out. I went in saying this is not going to be scary and once the cabinets all opened at the same time I was like oh crap. Overall, it is an awesome movie. Next time you go to the movies, I recommend you see paranormal activity 2.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

My week =[

Hello you guys! I've had a rough weekend. Never thought I'd have so much homework. I a paper, 7 math reviews, a presentation due friday and study for a test. On top of that I have a lesson due friday for LIS2004. Well I better get back to finishing my work. Have a nice weekend.

Virginia Tech massacre

The Virginia Tech massacre was a school shooting that took place on Monday, April 16, 2007. The campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia were attacked approximately two hours apart by Seung-Hui Cho. He killed 32 people and wounded many others before committing suicide. This massacre is the deadliest peacetime shooting incident by a single gunman in United States history, on or off a school campus.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Social Network!

I am dying to see this movie. I believe it will reveal the truth about chatting with people who we don't even know. I also believe it will give advice to people under the age of 18 and how careful they must be talking to an unknown person. I personally have learn alot from that and now know that I have to be careful with what I post on the social network.


So in speech class, my group is going to debate on abortion. I of course am against abortion. I believe that a human being should not be killed without doing anything. The product of a mistake you have done or they have done to you, can't be banished at your preference. It was sent by God and they don't have to pay the prize of any ones miseries. I think I have many evidence that will prove me correct.

My first week of college

My first week of college was awesome. I thought I was not going to like it but in the end I think its better than High School. People are more mature and have serious goals in life. I love the professors I chose, they're so nice and help me with anything that I am having trouble with.

I love this quote =]

"Failures do what is tension relieving, while winners do what is goal achieving."by Dennis Waitley. This is my all time favorite quote. I believe this quote speaks the truth. For example when people try to do something because they have to not because they want to achieve something then their failures. You must always look at everything in a good perspective.

Sloppy vs Neat people

How many of you consider yourself being either sloppy, neat or both. Well, I personally believe everyone has a little of both. I sometimes can be very sloppy but I think its neat because to me that is being organized. Even though my rooms a mess I know where everything is.

Hello you guys=]

My weekend was great. I went out with some people back from high school. I enjoyed spending quality time with close friends I hadn't seen since graduation. We went out to eat and talk about our life in college. I told them life was great and that I love Hialeah Campus. And well today I spend the day with my daddy. He showed me some steps from when he was young and went to parties. =]

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Borges and I

Borges and I was about a guy who lived a double life. Borges is a reflection of the label he has not who he is inside. Everyone navigates different roles in life. I personally must have a role play when I am teaching my students. I can't speak the way I usually do at home, I must be educating them the rites from wrong. At home we some times live a double life to, when our parents tell us the ground rules, we must fake and go by their say. With friends its not different. Some point in life we will have a double life no matter the situation or where you are. I know I am Grether Rodriguez when I am not working but at work I am Ms. Rodriguez and must play that role.