Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Education in Florida

Education is a major component in everyone’s life. Whether you’re young or old, it will always be there for you. Today, I will like to focus on an issue with the Education in Florida. I believe classes have more than the students a teacher can get the attention of. Not only that, they have limited resources to work hands on the material learned. The students have also lost many clubs and programs at their schools. This is because of budget cuts, which shouldn’t happen because this money is beneficiary to the students learning.

Monday, November 8, 2010

My weekend=]

My weekend was awesome. I went to homestead, to watch the airplane show. I was amazing all the acrobats the pilots do. Talk about being brave. Overall, I had a blast and enjoyed my time well spent with my family.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Today was My students Birthday!

The theme was tinkerbell. Super adorable; all the girls has tiaras and the boys got shrek ears. They brought a pinata and the kids were fighting for the candy. Eventually I had to clean the mess. Luckily the parents of the girl helped out and it was a piece a cake. I love kids birthday parties; they bring out the child in me. I guess that is why I want to be an Elementary Teacher.

Successfully losing weight!

Hey you guys I have began a losing weight program and I am happy to say that I have lost six pounds already. I so happy I have the will power to not eat junk food and actually stay with the program for more than a week. With rapid results like this I'll be at my ideal weight in no time. Just wanted to share that with my peers=]

My weekend=]

Hey you guys! Let me tell you about my weekend. It was awesome I went bowling with my friends and then played soccer at like 2 in the morning in the middle of the street. Kind of crazy but I enjoyed every moment of it. Except I lost. =[ Overall, this was just another great weekend.