Sunday, January 23, 2011

Scientist trying to clone. Resurrect extinct mammoth

Scientist are trying to clone and resurrect extinct mammoth. Isn’t that just spectacular. I mean the fact that we as humans have the capacity and resources to revive a mammoth is just breath taking. To actually see something come a alive and know that we too can see the evidence of what is 12,000 years old is amazing. I think cloning has always been a good thing, the fact that you can clone a person just like you, proves to what the humans are capable of doing. No one would ever like to die, yeah some would agree that the spirit stays alive, but to me it would be cool because of the fact that I am a twin. I was already born with a so called clone of mine. It’s an amazing experience to have a double and the tricks that you can pull on someone. Nevertheless, resurrecting and extinct mammoth can answer question as to how they really survived, how their habitat were and so for. If I were to have the last vote as to why scientist should try implanting the mammoth embryo in an African elephant; I believe that they will do it right. Also, I know that as scientist, they will hypothesis displaying the creation and if or not, it will harm are present life.

Friday, January 14, 2011


This podcast that we had to listen to, talked about fate and in an unusual way, explained destiny and about the universe. At first, I did not really understand what they were saying or what was the point of this podcast, but then as I kept listening I grew more interested to it. I must agree with the speakers that fate is something everyone speaks about. These people used examples of cartoon characters that we all saw growing up. Using these cartoon characters really made the icing of the cake. In short, I have a better  understanding as to what fate is about and why we are humans always contradict others personal beliefs.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

First week of Spring Term

Hello! My first week of the spring term was fun. I had a lot of catching up with some friends I had not seen since High School perhaps Middle School. Even though I changed my classes twice, I am satisfied with the classes I have chosen. Hopefully this term everyone enjoys themselves and gets good grades. Good Luck to all.