Saturday, April 23, 2011

Fall Semester

I am pleased to say that Prof. Calderin is a great teacher. I am glad to have taken another semester with him. Though I don't know if its because I ready knew him and the excellent way he teaches but this semester was more fun than last time. Maybe is because last semester I had a computer in front of my face. Though the pieces of arts covered in ENC1102 were some I ready read in high school, so it was kind of relevant to me. I was glad to see that many of my friends from last semester were in the classroom. Overall, I am glad to have meant further more some of the my classmates and the enthuzithem we all had with the conversation of the works we needed to read. That made it easier for me to complete much of the works I didn't fully understand or to see another persons point of view. All I have to say is thank you and that I hope all of you have a great summer. =]

Air Traffic Controllers

Although, they are not the only ones that have less than 8 hours of sleep in between shifts, I believe that there should be an exception if they are fatigued. Come on this people are controlling are life from up above and it is not fair that a pilot can ask for the day because they are sleepy but Air traffic controllers can't hello same thing. I totally agree with them if they want to complain because their point is just. Some other equally stressful jobs are construction workers, truckers. These men/women work schedules that are incredibly hard to stay awake.

Education Speech Video

I believe that the points presented in this video make a lot of sense. We really do need to change our educational system. Although, it has not change, it should. I like the way they created a sketch to visualize the speech and how it all tied in with the government. One thing I agreed on was what he said about giving pills to ADHD children. They want them to take pills and stay focused but the pills just make them calm and not alert. He also mentions that he is not stating that there is such thing as ADHD. What I also found interesting and rather true was the example that teacher spend ten years telling you not to cheat because its wrong and bad and also not to look at the back of the book. I agree with him in the part that cheating is not wrong and that collaboration is good. Overall, I enjoyed this video and certainly watch more debates on other issues.


I recently started using this website like two week ago. I have literally one 7 auctions already. For the 60 dollars I spends to open my account, I have saved 197 dollars on the bidding prizes I have won. Let me explain more in depth what this website is. QuiBids is an online penny auction site; unlike ebay you have to bid a penny to an auction which accounts for .60 cents from you pocket. Meaning each penny you bid is what you will pay for that product but in reality its .61 cents you are bidding. In some cases it is worth bidding like for laptops, gift card and home appliances. But be careful if you are a beginner I suggest that you bid on small auctions and things that are worth bidding on. Some say this page can be a scam because its like gambling but I believe that if you use it for things you really want and that will come cheaper to you than it is no scam. Remember the one pressing the button to bid is you not anyone else. So think twice before becoming obsessed.

Read more:

This American Life

This audio was about Act V - Hamlet. They spoke about different versions made of Hamlet. Later, they began speaking about what the audio was particularly about. After, they talked of a specific group which is the prison performing arts. This audio explained the drama that happens in hamlet and had personal symbolism to explain how they would of done things.

Hamlet Act I

Hamlet act I is about the Ghost appearance who was Old Hamlet, former king of Denmark. The officers Marcello and Bernardo were the first people who saw the Ghost. Horatio, Hamlet's close friend tries to speak with the ghost but he remains silent so Horatio decided to tell Hamlet, the prince and son of the old king what happened. When Hamlet goes to the night watch to see the ghost, he appears and ask him to apart from the others. The ghost tells Hamlet that he was killed by his brother Claudius, who is now the king of Denmark. The ghost demands vengeance, telling Hamlet not to plot against his mother, but to focus his revenge on Claudius. Hamlet swears that he will kill Claudius and keeps the secret of the appearance

Opera Robots =]

Our relationship with technology is a viable subject for a work of art. I seems more interesting to listen too because we did not grow up listening to opera. This gives it a touch of modern world and a chance for us the new generation to capture a part of the old music with a mix of the future. In the report below the video it states that : "This isn’t the artificial intelligence of man versus machine of Watson (our show with Watson creator), but rather man becoming machine.  At its heart, the opera digitally dramatizes humanity’s oldest dream of the immortal living legacy."